The X-Terminators, Marvel’s vampiric-hunting team, debuted in their own miniseries. Discover what we discovered about the thrilling mutant squad!
As part of Marvel’s 2010 reboot of the X-Men comic book series, the beloved character Jubilee was transformed into a vampire for a time. Fans’ reactions to these events were, to put it charitably, complicated. Maybe it’s because of this kind of cool response that the X-Terminators series from Marvel has been so well received. When Marvel’s vampires are destroyed, it’s like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders.
Ex-and current-X-Men Dazzler, Jubilee, Boom Boom, and Wolverine star in the 5-part miniseries X-terminators by Leah Williams, Carlos Gomez, Bryan Valenza, and Travis Lanham (Laura Kinney). While rescuing other victims and making crude jokes at each other’s expense, the women were kidnapped and forced to escape. The series established a new X-Men team that has since appeared in the primary X-Men series, and it demonstrated the group’s power and importance through their friendship.

In the first episode, Dazzler was in the midst of breaking up with her new boyfriend, Alex. Dazzler’s recent breakup with her latest beau is the culmination of her recent love failures. Happily, Dazzler has two other explosive mutant friends, Jubilee and Boom-Boom, with whom she can share her woes.
After a night out drinking and some caring but crude banter, Dazzler’s ex-girlfriend drugged their drinks and kidnapped the group. Alex came clean as a vampire out for vengeance after Dazzler ignored him and threw away his record collection.

Given that Dazzler’s powers generate powerful light and can destroy the UV-sensitive monsters, she appears to be the last mutant a vampire would want to tangle with. But Alex was safe from Dazzler’s spell because he was wearing an amulet. Since vampires are vulnerable to explosions, Alex drugged Jubilee and Boom Boom to render them unconscious.
Dazzler woke up in a maze, Jubilee was handcuffed to a monster truck, and Boom-Boom was on a raft in a sewer after being kidnapped. After a fierce battle, the two women found each other, and then learned that their mutual ally, Wolverine (Laura Kinney, another X-Man), had been captured alongside them.

A shocking twist in the second issue of X-Terminators showed that the women were no longer the vampires’ captives but rather on Krakoa, justifying their actions to the Quiet Council. It’s worth noting that when they addressed Krakoa’s rulers, Dazzler, Jubilee, Boom Boom, and Wolverine were all dressed in Halloween costumes.
As the women told their tale, the entire Quiet Council listened attentively, occasionally chuckling softly at the women’s colourful language. Alex was revealed to be the son of Xarus, the vampire who turned Jubilee, by the council, who typically appears in Immortal X-Men, and the women were made aware that they were now considered to be fugitives by the Vampire Nation.

Dazzler told how they managed to break free from their vampire captors. They were surrounded by a magical mirror structure that reflected their surroundings and created evil doubles. The vampires in the audience couldn’t see them through the enormous dome because it was transparent. They fought blindfolded and Wolverine lost an arm.
Alex watched from a viewing box as a group of vampires eventually won an auction for the right to hunt the mutants. Alex admitted he had also captured some faeries from the Otherworld. It was the enchantments that Dazzler and her companions were up against that he had coerced the faeries into making.
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Despite their frustration at being held captive by faerie spells, the women kept their positive attitudes. As Dazzler, Jubilee, and Boom-Boom blew their way through magical clones, vampire predators, and other obstacles, they teased each other and exchanged blows. Dazzler, meanwhile, devised a strategy to combine her own abilities with those of Boom-Boom.
Dazzler worked the crowd and got them excited so they’d make noise she could use as a weapon. Then Boom-Boom stepped in with two massive blasts. Dazzler amplified them, turning their sound into light, and the two of them set off a massive explosion of fire and light that shattered the dome and killed the vampiric audience.

As soon as Alex was distracted, the enchantments on the friends were broken by the captive faeries, allowing the women to fight back. Dazzler confronted Alex, but she couldn’t do anything about the captured faeries if she chased after Alex. Everyone escaped through a hole in the ground after freeing the prisoners, only to find out they were no longer on Earth.
To be more precise, the women and faeries were on a spaceship. The Collector, the most infamous Elder in all of space, owned the ship. Alex had been employed by the Collector to acquire two mutants with special abilities for him: one with the ability to heal and another with the ability to cause massive destruction. Without a use for the other two, he instructed Alex to get rid of them.

Alex, it turns out, had been acting as The Collector’s agent, procuring rare items for his collection. Alex was rewarded with a glass case large enough to house his harem of alien women aboard The Collector’s ship. Alex now has Dazzler and her pals in his collection.
Captive females were ordered to take showers and dress in uniforms provided by the ship’s crew. The captors made the fatal mistake of leaving them alone after that. There were restrooms reminiscent of those on Earth in the showroom. Boom-Boom threw a few explosive balls down the toilet, and the resulting explosion freed them

The X-Terminators’ use of the situation in which Dazzler and her fellow captives landed on Krakoa in the middle of an unofficial baseball game was a clever nod to a classic X-Men comics trope. Suddenly, to the shock of the players, a hole appeared in the sky, and the four women, along with a group of faeries and aliens, poured down onto the field. They were brought before the council after the initial shock subsided so that they could give an account of their actions.
Dracula and his fellow vampires went to the Krakoan council to vent their frustrations about the Mutant women’s role in the vampire deaths. Dazzler pointed out that Xarus, Alex, and their followers were vampire criminals, so the council probably owed the women bounties for killing the outlaws rather than punishment.

Dazzler asked for a boon from the vampire council instead of money. She hoped that she would be the one to see her ex-boyfriend Alex punished. Fortunately, Dazzler has access to the means of a rock star and the abilities of a superhero. Dazzler and her allies were prepared to take their former kidnapper’s just punishment.
Dazzler caught Alex off guard by purchasing the watering hole he frequently frequented. She started destroying everything while listening to a playlist titled “Songs To Hurt Alex To,” and she was soon joined by the other women he had held captive. Dazzler spared Alex’s life but took her frustrations out on the supernaturally robust creature.

Wolverine and Jubilee went back to The Collector’s ship to confront him after their release, while Dazzler rallied Alex’s former captives against him. The Collector changed into a huge monster and fought the girls, but Jubilee eventually showed her true power and destroyed the Collector’s ship with an atomic explosion.
Dazzler, Jubilee, Boom Boom, and Wolverine regrouped at the bar she had bought, which had been destroyed in the battle. Laura had obviously been influenced negatively by the other girls because she cracked a sexist joke while serving them beer. The women gained so much from the training that they eventually established their own group of vampire hunters.
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