Doctor Doom: Doctor Doom MCU, Doctor Doom Powers, Doctor Doom Costume.

Doctor Doom

“An in-depth exploration of Doctor Doom, the iconic Marvel villain. From his origins and rise to power in Latveria to his complex relationship with the Fantastic Four, discover the multifaceted layers of this legendary antagonist.”

Doom is best famous for his association with the Fantastic Four, although he has had a global impact and nearly ruled the world on several times. As we delve more into the strange megalomaniac known only as Doctor Doom, we’ll learn that there was even that moment when he changed all realities.

When did Doctor Doom debut?

In FANTASTIC FOUR (1961), Stan Lee and Jack Kirby introduced the public to the notorious villain. The bad guy in this 1962 comic book virtually impenetrably netted the Baxter Building. Having captured the entire squad, he promptly took off for his fortified fortress.

After returning to your home, he explained his plan: he would kidnap the Invisible Woman while Mister Fantastic, the Thing, and the Human Torch went back in time to retrieve a cache of magical stones previously owned by the wizard Merlin. The Fantastic Four didn’t want to give their enemy that type of advantage, so they faked their own capture just as the castle caught fire and Doom took off in his jetpack. Even if it wasn’t the maestro’s most fruitful venture, it did much to cement his reputation.

Where did Doctor Doom come from?

Readers got some backstory on the masked guy from Reed Richards, who knew the bloke from college, but neither his home nation of Latveria nor his title as the country’s leader were addressed in his first issue. When Doom was a young man, he devoted himself to learning how to communicate with the underworld through science. His face was disfigured from an explosion during one of these failed efforts. Victor then set off on his travels, intent on delving more into the mysteries of black magic.

Doctor Doom

When he was young, his mother Cynthia struck a bargain with the devil to get the ability to defend their people in exchange for her soul. After her and his father Werner’s deaths, Victor immersed himself in academics (both conventional and paranormal), which led him to the United States, where he finally crossed up with his old nemesis, Reed Richards. These specifics were introduced in issue of FANTASTIC FOUR (1963) and were elaborated upon at length in BOOKS OF DOOM (2005).

How did Doctor Doom come to rule Latveria?

Werner von Doom was summoned to Latveria by Baron Vladimir Fortunov to utilize his healing techniques on the Baroness before her untimely demise. Fortunov held Von Doom responsible for her death, but it was too late. Werner and Victor escaped the castle and the rest of their people, but Werner perished in the cold while trying to protect his son from the elements. With the help of his troops, Doom began practicing his scientific and magical abilities by launching modest attacks on the Baron’s army.

Doctor Doom

After Victor’s lab accident at college in the United States, he set out on a mission to gain power. After doing so, Doom appeared again in BOOKS OF DOOM (2005) , this time fully armored, to gather his followers behind him and topple the now-King Fortunov. The reign of doom has been intermittent ever since. Others see him as a malevolent monarch eager to trade every life in his kingdom to achieve his ambitions, while he is seen by some as a good leader who looks out for his people and keeps Latveria operating smoothly. In any case, Doom is able to call on the entire power of his nation whenever he sees fit because to the diplomatic immunity afforded to him by his position.

Why does Doctor Doom hate the Fantastic Four?

Doctor Doom
Image Source: Imdb
Doom met a fellow student named Reed Richards during that infamous time spent in the United States. The American suggested that they live together, but Victor preferred his own space. Instead, Ben Grimm stepped in, and the two hit it off immediately. Reed dropped by Victor’s apartment and glanced over some of his papers, where he noted that Victor’s substance transmutation and spatial warp studies may use a second check on some of the calculations. Doom discovered the eavesdropper and reprimanded him, but continued with the experiment nonetheless, which backfired spectacularly.

Doom’s animosity for Richards began at that time, and it only grew as Richards’ fame as Mister Fantastic of the Fantastic Four spread over the world. Naturally, the deeply petty megalomaniac’s flames have only grown hotter with each successive failure to vanquish Ricahrds and his gang.

How did Doctor Doom become so powerful?

The short answer is a combination of innate talent, hard work, and a colossal sense of self-importance. Victor’s life-altering experiment was designed to help him locate his mother in the afterlife. After exhausting that option, Victor looked to more esoteric means, exploring magical mountains in quest of solutions. He was able to locate it and get further knowledge as a result. He had constructed a suit of armor and was wearing a mask. Doombots, his near-perfect replicas, have been frustrating his enemies and allies ever since he perfected their manufacture.

Doctor Doom
Image Source: Imdb

The 1989 graphic novel DOCTOR STRANGE AND DOCTOR DOOM: TRIUMPH AND TORMENT reminded readers that Doom took his magical studies just as seriously as his scientific ones. In that scenario, he used his magical abilities to trick Doctor Strange into thinking the Vishanti had elevated Doom to the position of Sorcerer Supreme. Doom was actually trying to mislead Strange into helping him rescue his mom from Mephisto. In FANTASTIC FOUR (1998) , Victor went even farther when he sacrificed Valeria, the woman he once loved, in return for enhanced superhuman abilities. Even his outfit was crafted from hers. Since then, Doom has made further efforts to bridge the gap between the two formats.

What do the rest of the villains think about Doctor Doom?

The heroes of the Marvel Universe probably all agree that Doctor Doom is one of the most dangerous persons on the planet, but the villains have a wider range of reactions. Even Namor, who first joined up with Doom in his second appearance in FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) , has worked with him on several times. Even later, in 2008’s SECRET INVASION: DARK REIGN, the two joined forces to become the malevolent version of the Illuminati known as The Cabal. Others in the gang that feared and respected Doom were Norman Osborn, Emma Frost, The Hood, and Loki.

Throughout the 1970s, Doom battled and teamed up with a wide variety of supervillains in the pages of GIANT SIZE SUPER-VILLAIN TEAM-UP (1975) and SUPER-VILLAIN TEAM-UP (1975). Over a decade later, in the Acts of Vengeance storyline, Doom teamed up with Magneto, Kingpin, Wizard, Mandarin, Red Skull, and a masked Loki. His robots destroyed Hydro Base, the Avengers’ headquarters in AVENGERS (1963) . After some infighting in the team two issues later, the Red Skull attacked Doctor Doom, and Victor blew himself up, revealing that he was a Doombot all along.

Most criminals are suspicious of the Latverian commander and would rather stay out of his schemes whenever and wherever he may be operating.

What did Doctor Doom do during Secret Wars?

Doctor Doom has had varied degrees of participation in four separate storylines throughout the years all titled “SECRET WARS.” Beginning in 1984 and spanning for a total of 12 issues, the original SECRET WARS depicted the cosmically omnipotent Beyonder bringing heroes and villains to his own Battleworld to determine a victor. Doom, unwilling to cooperate, stole the Beyonder’s might. The Beyonder reclaimed it from the Latverian commander at one of his rare moments of weakness when Victor understood how difficult it would be to control so much unrefined cosmic energy. The subsequent event, Secret Wars II, did not involve Doom in any way.

Even though Nick Fury manipulated a bunch of heroes into assisting him and Daisy Johnson into Latveria so she could demolish the castle and slaughter scores of citizens, Victor played no role in the 2004–2005 SECRET WAR narrative.

Incursions, when one reality crashes into another and only one reality survives, were revealed to be a danger to all of existence in the long-running AVENGERS (2012) and NEW AVENGERS (2013) epic, which culminated in the current SECRET WARS (2015-2016). Where the Avengers failed, Doom triumphed in rescuing reality. With the help of Doctor Strange and Molecule Man, he was able to tap into the energy of the Beyonders and salvage remnants from many other universes, which he then fused together to form a new world also known as Battleworld.

Taking control and dubbing himself God, he established his authority over what was remained of the Multiverse. Along the way, he crossed paths with the Fantastic Four (without Reed) and ultimately ended up marrying Sue Storm. They had two kids, Franklin and Valeria, so he could stand in for Reed Richards in this alternate timeline. Reed Richards was able to rebuild the Multiverse when he was granted Beyonder power after being released with survivors from Earths 616 and 1610. To do this, Mister Fantastic planned to repair his old enemy’s face scars and modify his memory so that his former foe would believe Mister Fantastic dead while he was actually working with his family and the Future Foundation to fix the Multiverse.

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